Tighten Your Belly In Just 21 Days With The Plank Challenge

The accumulated fat in the abdominal area is a force to be reckoned with. It may be the cause of some severe health conditions due to the fact that they disrupt the normal operation of certain organs they are surrounded by or connected with, the liver and the heart, for example.

Thus, melting the abdominal fat will reduce the risk of various health conditions and illnesses.

Although you may think that by eliminating the deposited fat is incredibly hard, we will persuade you to try out the most successful static exercise referred to as the plank that is certainly going to erase all of your fears.

This specific workout can be challenging at times, but it never fails to impress.

You are required to remain in the plank position for some time, ranging from 30 secs to 5 mins, and you shall begin to experience the following perks:

  • Reduce tummy fat and body strengthening
  • Improved metabolism
  • Optimized flexibility and force
  • Proper body posture
  • Reduced chances of injuries

Still, in order to enjoy its perks you have to be able to do the plank properly.

This is how to do it:
— Begin in the push-up position, place your hands parallel to your shoulders

— Then, touch the floor with your toes and squeeze the glutes for the purpose of keeping the body stable.

— Make certain no to lock the knees

— Focus on a spot on the ground, a foot further from the hands, to neutralize the spine and neck, and straighten up the back

— Remain like this for a certain amount of time.

Based on a strength coach in Medford, N.J., called Keith Scott:
“The plank helps develop strength in the core, shoulders, arms, and glutes, making it a great prerequisite for lifting heavy weights or playing intense sports. Even though you aren’t moving or lifting weight, you have to constantly squeeze your abs to hold the position. “

We suggest you to give this 21-day plank challenge a try, in order to get the six-pack you have ever dreamed of!

Week No.1

Remain in the plank position for 30 seconds each day, and slowly increase this duration to one minute.

Week No.2

Begin to hold the plank for a minute on a daily basis, and increase more and more as time goes by.

Week No.3

Remain in the plank position for 2 minutes each day, and increase the duration to 3-5 minutes before the challenge is completed.

Be patient, and do not slack, after three weeks have passed, you won’t be able to recognize it!

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